For Prospective Students
Talk to a Program Advisor
Are you interested in an NASM certification or specialization, but have a few questions before you make the plunge? Our program advisors will be happy to clarify everything you need to make the best choice for your future fitness career.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 800-460-6276, option 1
Hours: Monday to Friday - 6am - 6pm (PST)
Saturday - Sunday: 8am - 5pm (PST)
For Existing Students
Contact Member Services
Our member service representatives are happy to help with questions about billing, exam retests or extensions, recertifications or petitions, technical issues, or anything else related to your NASM courses.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 800-460-6276, option 2
Hours: Monday to Friday - 6am - 6pm (PST)
Saturday to Sunday - 8am - 5pm (PST)